
Friday, 11 October 2013

Chromebook feedback from students

Both students and teachers were asked to give some initial feedback on the use of Chromebooks at St Aidans halfway through the first term of use.

There were some issues with logging on, which is more to do with google account issues than Chromebook issues and issues around internet connection dropouts.  However generally there was a positive response to their use, with some students very enthusiastic.  One student's family has since purchased a Chromebook for her use at home.

See student comments below:

The Chromebook is:
  • a very useful device it will help me in class a lot because it can give me a lot of information and facts.
  • good for group tasks because your group can focus on one document or anything else instead of doing individual documents or anything else. The Chromebook is also good at researching and making something at the same time. If I would rate the Chromebook out of 10 I would rate it 10. -_-
  • very helpful and is fun to use. There are  bad things because it is slow to load .
  • very helpful even though I had trouble logging on because an error had appeared on the screen when I went to the shared document.
  • a very good type of laptop. It looks exactly like a Macbook Pro, some problems with the documents are that sometimes it will always try to reconnect although it is still connected to the network. The bad thing about the chromebook is that the main software is google chrome, and if the server goes under maintenance the chromebook will not be able to be used. It is a good laptop, super duper light and thin, you can carry in the palm of your hand. There is one replaced key and all the others are missing. I am happy to see Samsung develop their first laptop and it was a great success.                  
  • an amazing type of laptop. I am very happy to see Samsung develop a new and improved device but the only problem is that sometimes when I try to connect sometimes it takes a while to reconnect if i am sharing a document. I give The Chromebook a 9/10.
  • very handy and helpful in my learning because we can share documents on the computer so we don’t talk to each other so the classroom is silent and much easier  to concentrate.
  • really good  for children because they are similar to laptops but easier. However sometimes the Chromebook is not as fast as a loading on a laptop or computer. I would recommend this device for all ages and i rate it a 8/10.
  • The table activity I completed this week was fantastic. I was able to work with A even when she was sitting next to me. 
  • is similar to a normal laptop. It is a great technology to use everyday,at school or even at work for parents.
  • I know there are different buttons compared to a different laptop but it is no difference because they are all the same. I learn everything everytime I go on the Chromebook.
  • like a normal laptop but better because you can talk to your group about  what you’re doing or you can share what you learnt. I think it's a very great technology to use.
  • really helpful and useful in my learning days.With the chromebook I have discovered new things and lots of exciting new apps and new keys.
  • is a great technology device  for students because it is easier to research and can help us with our subjects.This  technology is great for our classroom.
  • a helpful device for my learning because I love the feature when you could share documents and type at the same time.The only problem is that the chromebook sometime it takes to long to load.
  • a great technology when it comes to getting some typing done. I think its the best tech I have ever used in my life. whenever I i’m working with a partner and I’m having trouble my partner is typing with me so I finish quickly. Also I think that its a good resorce for researching things like on youtube or google. :)
  • I do not know what the Chromebook is like or how to make it work because I still can not log in. This has been happening since we were first introduced to the Chromebook. Therefore I would rather use a normal laptop.
  • better than a laptop because you can share one document with a lot of your friends , you don’t have press save,save and save over and over again when you make a document  and you can research or get images by touching a few buttons! I say the Chromebook is a BRILLIANT device for work, school or ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!. :-)
  • the chrome book  is one of the best laptops/computers i have used i recommend it to everyone ! :)
  • it is a very portable laptop that you can bring on the go. it has fast internet access and it is best for use in the classroom.

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