
Sunday, 28 July 2013

On Friday we had an introductory session with the students. This progressed well with a few issues.

Some of the things we did before the session follow:

  • ensured that all chromebooks were charged
  • checked student logins - we realised that the students need to know their email address to login to the chrome books. As the email addresses have a set format i.e. user id followed by @ parrastu...., it was straightforward to have the students work out their email. Once this was done the students were able to login.
  • We had some students who had not used the user id for a while, so their password had to be reset. Once passwords are reset takes at least 12hours before Google Apps can be accessed.
  • Our students from year three up all have their own passwords, so it is important that students create passwords that they will remember.
The session began well, the students seemed to be able to complete the tasks without too much assistance.
We found that the 30 chromebooks on the go at once, as well as other devices, it seemed to have caused the chromebooks to lag a little especially when sharing documents.
This will be something we will monitor to see it was a one session problem or an ongoing one.

A great session.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Chromebook trial at St Aidans

St Aidan's at Rooty Hill are the first school in the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta to trial a set of chromebooks with students and staff.

St Aidan's were provided with 30 Chromebooks for students and 5 Chromebooks for staff.  Students and teachers from Year 4 will trial the Chromebooks over the next two terms.  There are approximately 50 students in Year 4.

The Chromebooks have been enrolled in the Chromebook Management Console by the CEDP ICT team and the Google set of K-6 Apps have been pushed out to the Chromebooks.

Last week the Chromebooks were delivered to the school and Learning Exchange spent some time with staff to briefly introduce them to the Chromebook.  We covered:
  • What is a Chromebook?
  • Uses in Education
  • Navigating the Chromebook
The students and teachers will be exploring the use of Google Apps and Chromebooks Apps via the Chromebook.  Teachers at St Aidan's recently attended a Google Apps Bootcamp to equip their school in the use of this cloud based virtual learning environment.

Both students and teachers will be expected to blog at least once a week about their learning and experiences in using the Chromebook.